Book your seat for the VAT Masterclass 2022
- 12 AND 13 OCTOBER 2022
SARS seems to have aggressively upped their game with their verification letters – many vendors complain that they receive the verification letter every month! Whether they have a refund or have to pay VAT in, as soon as the VAT return is filed up pops the verification letter!
It becomes a little tiresome eventually, and sometimes, due to other work demands, you may “slip” and upload something that SARS finds unsatisfactory. And then, an assessment appears, with the dreaded penalty and interest – often you don’t even understand how SARS arrives at its assessment figures! And then the time consuming mission to deal with the assessment – calls, letters, suspensions of payment, it goes on.
Add to this unpaid VAT refunds, inputs adjusted or reversed for no reason, objections and appeals just never dealt with and VAT can become a nightmare.
This year, the VAT Masterclass aims to end the nightmares – or at least equip you to better deal with all things VAT.
To start off, we will be touching on the basics, work through registration and standard, zero rated and exempt supplies, but also look at some more of the complex VAT issues such as:
- Can I backdate my VAT registration?
- Deemed supplies – how not selling anything can make you liable for a VAT payment
- Fixed property – when do you charge VAT or should Transfer Duty always be levied? Can the “going concern” principles even apply to fixed property sales?
- Non-profit organisations – does their tax exemption extend to VAT?
- Exempt supplies and how it impacts input tax
- Input tax – a refresher on the rules
- Apportionment and adjustments – when this is applicable
- Verifications and audits, assessments and disputes – your rights vs SARS’ rights
Book your seat before 26 September and save on the early bird price.
Read more and download the The VAT Masterclass 2022 brochure here.
I’m excited to meet you!
Dee Bezuidenhout – The VAT Lady