My start came some over 25 years ago as a VAT Legislator and Auditor at SARS. In this position, I was responsible for writing and interpreting VAT legislation, writing VAT guides, auditing companies and providing VAT training.
I moved to the position of VAT Manager at BDO where my focus was dedicated to my passion in training. Here I trained at the VAT School, assisted clients with VAT objections, appeals and VAT opinions. I always make my training courses fun, relative, informative and memorable.
I opened my own practice where I wrote a number of publications including The Practical VAT Handbook – VAT law in laymen’s terms for smaller to medium businesses to understand, and comply with VAT law.
With all the wealth of experience I attained, I seem to have picked up the nickname “The VAT Lady,” which then became a brand.
At The VAT Lady, I share the knowledge and insights I have attained over the years, in my VAT training courses. I have worked with several clients and helped them take SARS on and win. Especially where SARS has gone against its own rules, or the VAT Law.
My training courses are not just informative! I cut out the jargon, go to the basics, break down the legalese and always aim to deliver insightful, relative, cutting-edge and memorable courses.